Thanks for not buying

I had to share this moment with you for a second and take a break from the garage sale blogs…

There’s a feeling you get when you actually sell an item at your somewhat outrageous asking price.  A thrill passes through your system and you get a bit giddy.   You want to call up your best friend and tell them about your Victory and talk about how ridiculous it is that somebody paid your asking price.

I had one of those moments a few weeks ago.    We had a 9″ TV/VCR that we used to use in our van on trips but since we haven’t taken a trip in a while we put it in my daughter’s room so she could watch movies.   We have since upgraded her to a 13″ TV/VCR that we had.  So we decided to get rid of the TV.  I figured that even though VCRs are going the way of the dinosaur there still might be someone who would want it for a summer trip.  Plus the TV won’t pick up a TV signal anymore since the conversion to digital, so  it won’t have a lot of value.  We tried to sell the TV in the garage sale in May, asking $30 for it; no takers.

I did some research on Ebay and found similar ones selling for $50 + shipping.    I decided I’ll give it a shot.   It only cost me 60 cents to list it.  I started the bidding at $9.95 and at the last minute added a Buy It Now price of $69.99.  The buyer would pay the actual shipping cost (for 22 lbs.).

I listed the TV on Ebay Sunday night around 10:30pm and went to bed.   The next morning I went to read my email and was surprised to see that someone had bought the TV, 2 hours after I listed it!  That’s when I got that feeling, the thrill of VICTORY!

The buyer paid a total of $87.41, which included shipping and insurance.
I netted $62.80 after Ebay and Paypal fees.
So thank you garage sale buyers for not buying  my TV.

5 thoughts on “Thanks for not buying

  1. Nice work on the TV sale, and nice blog. I’ve just started following it. I have a basement full of stuff I should “set free” in some way. Maybe this is just the inspiration I need!

    • Chris
      I’d more than willing to sit down with you sometime to discuss the best options for getting rid of your stuff. Just let me know!


  2. Michele,

    What a score! You’re so right about the shipping and handling. I found out through a LinkedIn group that I could sell my stash of fabric by the joining the Yahoo! group, SewItsForSale. I lost money on my first sale because I didn’t remember that the post office has those priority shipping boxes for $10.70 and up and you can shipp anywhere in the U.S. I didn’t charge enough for shipping and lost out. But it was nice to earn some cash and declutter. I bought dinner with earnings from one sale and a subscription to a professional magazine with the proceeds from the other sale.

    I think I’ll try for selling a very nice interview suit that I bought a year ago. I was going to take to a tailor, but I know it will cost a fortune to take it down to my size and doing that might ruin the suit, plus, it’s labor intensive (which is why I don’t want to try it myself). I also don’t want to take it to a consignment shop because I need a new interview suit ASAP and don’t have the money to buy one. I’ll let you know what happens.


    • Yvonne,

      Glad to hear you had luck selling some fabric. I know I definitely have a stash of jewelry making suppies and scrapbooking stuff I should go through.

      You can’t sell your suit on because they only sell entertainment items like CDs, games, DVDs, books, etc. I would suggest you try Craigslist and Ebay for your suit, though I’m not sure how much luck you’ll have. There is definitely not as much of a market out there for adult clothing though there may be one for a good business suit. I would see what others are selling like it on Ebay and craigslist just to see if they are selling.

      Let me know how you make out. I’m curious.


      • Yvonne,

        Meant to mention about Big M. I have a good friend who lives in Hilton who always shows at the Big M. He rarely goes to Wegmans and he’s never been in an Aldi’s or Price Rite that I know about but he talks about the bargains he gets at Big M. Definitely someplace to try out if there’s one near you.


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